Top Five Must-Visit Churches in Kiev

Kiev is the capital and largest city of Ukraine, and the birthplace of Ukrainian culture. Due to its historical background, there are numerous beautiful Orthodox churches here. I would like to recommend the top five churches in Kiev worth visiting.

St. Andrew's Church is an 18th century Eastern Orthodox church, and one of the most famous attractions in Ukraine. Its most notable feature is its magnificent exterior, with Baroque-style architecture that makes it look like a work of art.
St. Vladimir's Cathedral is in Russian Byzantine style, with a beautiful golden yellow exterior that stands out against the blue sky. Inside, the cathedral is decorated with colorful Venetian mosaics and murals.
Another UNESCO World Heritage site in Kiev was built in 1051, and it is the core of the Eastern Orthodox "Rome". The monastery area is divided into upper and lower parts. Besides churches, the upper area also has five museums exhibiting miniature artworks, Ukrainian decorative arts, ancient jewelry, theater, music and film exhibitions, and printed materials. The lower area is a peaceful resting place for Eastern Orthodox monks, and as the cave temperature is low, the bodies dry easily. When visiting the monk cemetery area, tourists should avoid the pilgrimage processions and candles, women should wear headscarves and long dresses, and men should not wear shorts or tank tops (T-shirts, etc.).

The Church of St. Sophia

The Saint Sophia Cathedral, built in the 11th century, is the most famous Eastern Orthodox cathedral in Kiev. The entire complex was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1990. Many archaeological artifacts and architectural models are on display here, including a panoramic model of Kiev in the 10th century before it was destroyed by Mongol invaders.

St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery

St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery was built around 1110. The exterior of the building was changed to a Baroque style during reconstruction in the 18th century, while the interior still retains its original Byzantine elements. The church has a complex five-layer iconostasis inside, and there are many Byzantine mosaics and frescoes on the interior walls.

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