A diverse and colorful experience in Turkey

The first trip to Turkey must be rich and colorful, not only can you enjoy the natural scenery, visit historical sites, but also experience various aspects such as Buddhist culture and hot air balloon rides.

Bosphorus Strait

Appreciate the natural scenery of the Bosphorus Strait, also known as Istanbul Strait. Taking a boat tour is a fun activity, sunbathing on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze, and constantly changing scenery, including lush forests, simple villages, magnificent villas, as well as beautiful palaces such as Dolmabahce Palace and Ciragan Palace, and historic sites such as the Rumeli Fortress.

Hagia Sophia Mosque

The Hagia Sophia Church has a history of more than 1,700 years. It was the largest church in the world until the completion of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. During the Roman Empire's rule in 916, the Hagia Sophia was the main cathedral, and all emperors were crowned here. It is well worth visiting its interior!

The Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultan Ahmet Mosque, is one of the top ten wonders of the world. It was built in 1609 by the famous Turkish architect Sinan. Sinan was highly skilled in his architecture and built the Blue Mosque without using a single nail. Furthermore, it has survived several earthquakes and has not collapsed. The mosque has 260 small windows and the walls inside are decorated with blue and white tiles. Visitors here can experience a strong Buddhist culture.


Cappadocia is located in central Turkey, famous for its fairytale-like spotted rock formations: strange rock structures, cave dwellings, and historical relics of semi-nomadic people are fascinating. We set off before dawn, rising with the hot air balloon, and as the sky gradually brightens, the scenery on the earth gradually awakens, and a movie about nature unfolds. Butterfly Balloons is a recommended hot air balloon company for this activity.