The car rental agency deducted more than 140 yuan in fine transfer management fees. About how much is the fine for an infraction ? France Q&A
Have you paid the management fee for the garage ? Italy Q&A
L'agenzia viaggi dice anche di addebitare le commissioni di gestione in anticipo, è possibile che sia stato revocato l'autorizzazione e quindi non sia possibile addebitare, non ho ancora ricevuto la notifica di versare le commissioni di gestione per conto mio ? Italy Q&A
I got a SunPass in Florida and it was deducted from my linked account. Why was there another toll fee deducted from my rental car credit card after a month of returning to China? What is this 9.99 dollars per day management fee ? United States Q&A
I received an email from Sixt regarding speeding in Germany. The rental company charged me 25 euros in administration fees. What is this about? Will I have to pay additional fines later ? Italy Q&A
Is it that I rent a Thrifty car, will there be high management fees or so ? United States Q&A
Got a ticket for $130, half price if paid within 14 days, should I pay it myself or let the rental company pay it for me? Will the rental company charge an administration fee ? United Kingdom Q&A
No paper ticket received after 5 months of returning to the country, the car agency has deducted the management fee. Has anyone encountered this situation ? Spain Q&A
I also want to know what will happen if I don't pay the speeding ticket? In addition, the 24 euros of management fee that the garage wanted to deduct was not deducted successfully. Will not paying this fee have a big impact ? Austria Q&A
I was charged 107 pounds by HERTZ today. Does anyone know what this is for? If it's for an infraction, shouldn't there also be a management fee of more than 40 pounds? The car rental company didn't give me any email ? United Kingdom Q&A
Have anyone encountered traffic violations in Portugal? What is the general process? What is traffic violation fine ? Spain Q&A
Do I need to wash the car when returning it? Many people say no, but there are also car owners who have been charged cleaning fees and management fees, saying they were ripped off. I think it's up to your own judgment! If it's too dirty, washing it won't cost much. This is not a reason for certain car rental companies not to charge you ? Germany Q&A
Ich habe nach meiner Rückkehr aus Spanien bereits eine zweite Verwarnung erhalten. Die erste wurde mir von der Autovermietung mit einem Zahlungslink zur Verfügung gestellt. Es handelte sich dabei um eine Buße in Höhe von 200 Euro, die innerhalb von drei Tagen beglichen werden musste, um eine Ermäßigung auf 100 Euro zu erhalten. Allerdings musste auch eine Gebühr in Höhe von einigen Euro entrichtet werden. Die zweite Verwarnung ist etwas komplizierter. Sie scheint direkt von mir zu bezahlen zu sein, und ich weiß nicht, wie ich vorgehen soll. Auf dem Bußgeld ist auch keine Bankverbindung angegeben. Ich bin derzeit im Kundenservice ? Spain Q&A
Do we need to pay an extra 100 management fee for renting a car in Perth to Hetty Lagoon (over 500km) ? Australia Q&A
Do you have 25 euros impound fee at the end of rental ? Germany Q&A
Do you charge a traffic fine administration fee first when we rent a car and receive a fine? Why did I receive five deduction messages, does one message represent one fine ? United Kingdom Q&A