Do you know what is the latest time for the bus from Pattaya to Suvarnabhumi airport? How to buy tickets and how much does it cost ? Thailand Q&A
When should we usually book tickets for flights within Greece? I feel that the flight times we check now are very different.. ? Greece Q&A
From the airport to the train station, there is a direct train that takes about half an hour. I forgot how much it costs for one person ? Italy Q&A
Do you want a Swiss highway ticket valid for the whole year of 2017, which I only used for one day ? France Q&A
What should I do if I get off the tram in the non-free area of Melbourne without buying a ticket? Will it affect my return to the country ? Australia Q&A
I'm going from Munich to Turin, and it looks like I'll be passing through Switzerland. Do I need to buy a high-speed ticket? And where can I buy it ? Germany Q&A
Do I need to buy a expressway ticket from Vienna to Hallstatt? How can I make sure that the car I rent has an expressway pass ? Austria Q&A
I am still in China and want to buy a ferry ticket from Holyhead to Dublin on September 1st. Do I need to enter the license plate number? How should I fill it in ? United Kingdom Q&A
Booked ferry tickets from Malaga to Amadeira. Emailed booking confirmation includes QR code which I printed out. Just wondering if upon arrival at the port we will be able to board with the printed QR code or will we have to exchange them for physical tickets on the spot? Thanks ? United Kingdom Q&A
Can someone tell me whether the single-use ticket for the Paris subway becomes invalid after exiting the station and cannot be used again? I saw that the ticket can also be used for buses. Is it the case that the bus can only be taken once and then becomes invalid ? France Q&A
Hi everyone, do you guys know if we should return the car first or buy the night bus ticket at the bus station first in Antalya? Will a taxi in Antalya fit 4 people and 4 pieces of luggage ? Turkey Q&A
After buying the boat tickets from Bodo to Moskenes, I found out that I hadn't registered or logged in. I wrote an email saying they would send the boat tickets to my email, but I haven't received them yet. I wrote an email to ask, but they haven't replied to me in three or four days. What should I do... I'm so anxious... ? Norway Q&A
I can't buy tickets for the ferry when I drive on Samui Island. I leave the car on the island and wait for 4 hours for the tickets. I can't catch the plane, so I give up the car. Will it have an impact ? Thailand Q&A
When watching the penguins return to their nests on Penguin Island, is it more convenient to drive the Great Ocean Road from Melbourne or take a ferry directly from the Mornington Peninsula? I'm mainly concerned about the hassle of taking a car on the ferry and I'm worried it might take longer than just driving around the coast. Thank you ? Australia Q&A
Have any of your friends who bought tickets on Icelandair through encountered any issues? I bought a ticket that included checked baggage, but a friend in the group once reported that the baggage counter at Qunar didn't recognize it. Today, I contacted customer service and provided the itinerary from the airline, but it didn't show any baggage. The cabin was economy, so I'm guessing it might be economy light. I don't think it's very reliable, so I went to Icelandair's official website and searched using my ticket code and name. It turns out that my order didn't include checked baggage at all. I'm still communicating with customer service now and wondering if any of you have encountered similar situations ? Iceland Q&A