Can additional drivers only be added at stores with American licenses ? United States Q&A
Also: How many toll stations are there on Highway 1 from Old Town to Los Angeles ? United States Q&A
Is this purple sand beach crowded? I'm wondering if it's sparsely populated. Then suddenly a robber appears. ? United States Q&A
Is there a chocolate factory and a Coca-Cola store in Las Vegas ? United States Q&A
I haven't heard of these places in Los Angeles except for Santa Monica Beach. Are they fun ? United States Q&A
Excuse me, if you stop at the red light at an intersection in San Francisco and go past the stop line, will you be fined ? United States Q&A
Jeep Compass, same group of models, not necessarily all-wheel drive ? United States Q&A
Can't you park on this empty lot by the side of the road ? United States Q&A
How is the signal of international roaming on your mobile phone compared to buying a phone card ? United States Q&A
Pick up one hour earlier. Need to add money ? United States Q&A
How messy is the charge? Will the fees be settled when checking out ? United States Q&A
Can I pick up the car in San Francisco and return it in Los Angeles ? United States Q&A
Excuse me, is the Highway 1 from San Francisco to Los Angeles still going to have a mountainous detour via Lucia? Is the mountain road easy to drive on ? United States Q&A
What's the difference between "Authorized driver" and "Additional driver" as emphasized by the car rental company in California when one of the couple is an Authorized driver ? United States Q&A
I wonder which entrance is closer to the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park ? United States Q&A