Same question how to refuel in Finland, friends who have refueled please help to say the steps ? Finland Q&A
Finland Car rental and fueling can be paid by credit card. Does the credit card need to have a chip? What about Poland ? Finland Q&A
Come on, can't you pay in cash ? Austria Q&A
What should I do if the gas pump rejects both of my credit cards when refueling ? France Q&A
I would like to ask the gods who have been there. When filling up, do you enter the first 4 digits of the 6-digit password ? Iceland Q&A
Tyre pressure can be contacted by car rental, or it can be repaired by yourself, the key is to see whether the tyre pressure is always decreasing, if not decreasing, go to the gas station to fill the gas by yourself, and it only costs 1.5 yuan to fill the gas by yourself at the gas station ? United States Q&A
Can I pay with cash at Australian gas stations ? Australia Q&A
Can I use credit card at unmanned gas station ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Algún amigo del grupo me puede guiar? Estoy alquilando un coche por primera vez y conduciendo por Europa. Supongo que en Croacia y Eslovenia no hay personal en las estaciones de servicio y necesito repostar de forma automática. ¿Cómo funciona el repostaje automático y cómo pagar ? Croatia Q&A
Dear fellow car enthusiasts, I would like to ask for your advice. I have a 2-day trip to Switzerland and a 2-day trip to Austria. How should I purchase the highway tolls? Is it per day or per road? Should I buy them at the gas station convenience store before or after entry? What does the ticket look like? What if I need to enter and exit repeatedly? In addition, the rental car order does not have an additional driver. Is the insurance car, person, and trip-related? Do I need to buy insurance again when I pick up the car? Thank you in advance for the enlightenment of the senior ? Austria Q&A
Can I use domestic credit cards to add fuel ? United States Q&A
¿Es conveniente hacer un viaje en coche desde Belgrado hasta Bosnia y Herzegovina, Montenegro y Albania y de vuelta a Belgrado, parando a repostar? ¿Se puede pagar con tarjeta de crédito en todos los lugares? ¿O es necesario tener efectivo ? Albania Q&A
I went to three gas stations, six convenience stores, two small supermarkets, and four toll booths yesterday, but none of them sold TOUCH N GO cards. Do you know where I can buy this thing ? Malaysia Q&A
Does Thailand's gas station have urea to add ? Thailand Q&A
Need to return the car at Melbourne airport at 7am tomorrow. Is there anyone who knows if there is a 24-hour petrol station near the airport ? Australia Q&A
Can someone please tell me if they have ever experienced a situation where they were charged SGD 150 on their credit card when they only topped up SGD 40 at a petrol station? Thanks ? New Zealand Q&A
Is there a gas station at Zurich Airport ? Switzerland Q&A