Is it that I'm giving in to the left, or that I'm giving in to the right ?

4 Answers

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All ways let right, and when you are on their right let them. Go ahead with a bold front.

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Vehicles inside the loop have the right of way, and those outside must yield.

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Ring road is that as long as you see the right side if there is a car moving, you must stop and let the other side turn first. You don't need to care about the left side. Similarly, when you are driving on the ring road, when you see someone who wants to get on the ring road from the left, you don't need to be polite

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Yes, because you are turning the dial to the upper left, which is opposite to China. Do not merge on the roundabout. If you are going to exit at the third or fourth exit, stay in the right lane and wait to turn. If there are no cars on the right, you can directly enter the inner lane of the roundabout and naturally exit at the third or fourth exit without merging on the right. If you are going to exit at the first or second exit, wait in the left lane and directly enter the outer lane of the roundabout. If it is a single lane roundabout, you only need to check for no cars on the right before proceeding. If you make a mistake, you do not need to merge from the inner lane of the roundabout to the outer left lane to exit at the third or fourth exit, you can directly exit following the lane. Do not be overly polite, unprincipled yielding will disrupt the original order and affect the traffic speed. When it is your right of way, the only thing to do is to pass quickly. You're welcome, but it's really difficult to adapt! Driving in the UK is the only time I feel it's difficult to drive. Mainly because the roads in the UK are narrow, the road markings are too complex, and there is too much information to identify at once, and it's on the right side, unlike the US, where you can understand the basics and drive without any problems! But the traffic rules in the UK are very scientific, and driving according to the rules is already very good.