Diamond Head Summit Trail, Breathtaking panoramic views atop a historic crater

Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
The scenery at the top of the mountain is excellent


Located in the city of Honolulu on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands, Diamond Head and Waikiki Beach are two iconic symbols of this city. Diamond Head, also known as "Diamond Head Crater," is a dead volcano and is said to be the home of the goddess of fire, Pele. Its name is said to have been given by a group of British sailors who mistook the calcite crystals found here for diamonds in the early 19th century. Climbing to the top, you can see the beautiful scenery of Honolulu, especially the magnificent view of the sunset, which is unforgettable. Therefore, hiking along the trail to the top of Diamond Head has always been popular among tourists. The Hawaiian name of this trail is Le'ahi (meaning Diamond Head Crater), built in 1908 as part of Oahu's coastal defense system. After its completion in 1911, the shooting command headquarters on the mountaintop commanded the artillery units stationed in Waikiki and outside Fort Ruger by the volcano. Along the way, you can not only learn about the geological information about the crater, but also get a glimpse of the military-related history. Most of the trail is made up of natural tuff topography, passing through many zigzagging uphill roads, climbing steep stairs, and passing through a 69-meter long tunnel to reach the peak. At the top of the mountain, you can see the military bunkers along the edge of the crater and the navigation lighthouse built in 1917 on the outer edge of the crater. From here, you can overlook the magnificent scenery of the southeast coast of Oahu Island, which is pleasing to the eye. If you are lucky, you can also see humpback whales migrating from Alaska in the winter.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Inconvenient to park
There is a parking lot
Free parking
Cheap parking fees
Translation: Others
Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States