(The rental car point is attached) One Highway's most reasonable route strategy

Traveling to the US, exploring this country under the wheels, self-driving is definitely the best way to enjoy it! It's not as simple as setting the starting point and endpoint on the navigation system from San Francisco to Los Angeles. You need to set waypoints along the way. Because if you just rely on the automatic navigation, you will miss out on the scenic route of Highway 101, instead of taking Highway 1. There are many unforgettable small towns and natural landscapes along the way, so you need to manually set the locations. It's best to navigate from one waypoint to another. (Includes detailed information on car rental points and attractions)

Starting point: San Francisco (car rental point)

Highway 1 road trips generally start from San Francisco and the must-visit attractions are the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman's Wharf. Upon landing at the airport and picking up your luggage, you will see signs indicating various car rental companies. We recommend Yesaway Car Rental, which offers 24-hour Chinese service. You can reserve your car model in advance in your home country and then pick it up directly at the rental location without having to wait in line.
Stanford University was founded in 1891, with 20 Nobel laureates as professors, 7 colleges, over 15,000 students, and close ties to Silicon Valley. It consistently ranks in the top 10 of American universities and is a pilgrimage site for IT professionals. In recent years, it has also become a must-see destination for tourists. Stanford's must-see attractions include the Hoover Tower, Main Quad with Memorial Church, Rodin Sculpture Garden, and Stanford Bookstore.
Google headquarters is located in the vicinity of Mountain View, which is quite a distance from the home of Steve Jobs. Just like universities, there are no walls surrounding the tech giant's campus, making it easy to inadvertently enter Google's domain. With such a large campus, there are plenty of places worth exploring, so it is recommended that visitors leave their cars at the parking lot and opt for a Google's unique bicycles to tour the area.


Half Moon Bay boasts dozens of beautiful beaches, an English-style harbor, streets steeped in history, delicious fresh seafood, and an interesting marine life conservation area, among other things. Additionally, the most famous event here is the annual Pumpkin Festival in the fall. Prior to Halloween in October, various farms near Half Moon Bay display a variety of shiny pumpkins and host activities like cornfield mazes and small animal areas, making it an ideal outing for families.
Ungasan Lighthouse is over 115 feet high and has a history of more than 130 years. It is one of the highest lighthouses in the United States. Every November, many photographers come to visit to capture a photo of the lighthouse lit up by a Fresnel lens that can reach a brightness of 500,000 candelas. This opportunity only happens once a year, so if you happen to drive by, don't forget to take a shot.

Carmel Town Seaside Parking

The 17-mile scenic drive connects Monterey and Carmel, and leads directly to the town of Carmel upon leaving the scenic drive. This is the town that claims to "change your worldview". Many visitors come and don't want to leave, and regret not being able to stay longer.

Pfeiffer Beach on Purple Beach

Pfieffer Beach is the only purple sand beach in the world. The entrance fee is $5 per car. The sand is made of purple minerals that have been broken down by the waves. As you walk along the beach, the purple becomes more pronounced, and at the end of the beach, there is a large area of truly purple sand that is breathtakingly beautiful. The best time to visit is near sunset.

Hearst Castle

Hearst Castle is located on the hilltop of San Simeon beach on Highway 1 coast in California. It was designed by the first female architect in California, Julia Morgan, and was once the private residence of publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst. The construction of this complex began in 1919 and was completed in 1947, showcasing an extravagant and luxurious style. The architectural style inside the castle is worth exploring.

Santa Monica, San Monica Beach

Santa Monica Beach, the end point of Route 66, which was the lifeline of the development of the west, and also the finishing point of Forrest Gump's long run in the movie "Forrest Gump." The beach boasts clear blue skies and white sand, with palm trees scattered throughout. In the distance is an amusement park with roller coasters and Ferris wheels, and a long wooden pier stretching into the Pacific Ocean where Arnold Schwarzenegger was said to have worked. Watching the sunset at Santa Monica Beach also marks the end of the journey on the iconic Route 66 in North America.

Solvang Danish town fairy tale kingdom

Denmark, the Netherlands, and Nordic are her key words. The main street Mission Drive is full of scenery. Bright colors, cheerful small flags, fresh flower scenes, and fairy tale-like buildings make the whole town like a beautiful girl humming a cheerful tune, every move can make your mind sway.

Terminus: Los Angeles (return point)

Local restaurants close early, and along the way, burgers and fries are the main options for meals. It is recommended to bring Chinese food. The yesaway rental point in Los Angeles marks the end of this West Coast road trip. Note: this route has many hills, so SUVs are the most suitable vehicle choice.