London Stadium, A Multifaceted Venue of Champions and Culture

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 2ST, UK
Very beautiful stadium


The London Olympic Stadium, located on Marshgate Lane in Stratford, was the main venue for the 2012 Summer Olympics, with a capacity of about 80,000 people. The stadium began construction on May 22, 2008, and was completed on March 29, 2011. It is an exemplary energy-efficient building, making efficient use of resources with a reduction of 75% in the use of steel. It also uses low-carbon concrete with 40% less carbon, and the stadium's roof ring is constructed from leftover gas pipes. It promotes sustainable development through the "reduce, reuse, recycle" approach. In addition, it is designed to be flexible and adaptable to a variety of needs. After the Olympics, it will continue to be used for sports and athletics events, as well as cultural and community activities, becoming a sustainable legend.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 2ST, UK
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: Doors open at 10:00
last entry at 15:00
exit before 16:15.
Saturday: Doors open at 10:00
last entry at 15:30
exit before 16:45
Sunday: Doors open at 10:00
last entry at 15:00
exit before 16:15.
Train: Stratford Station/Stratford International Station.