A Tour of the Filming Locations for "The Theory of Everything" in Cambridge

The Cambridge landmarks featured in "The Theory of Everything" include the location where Hawking and Jane met on the campus of Cambridge University, as well as the city sights they frequently visited, such as the Bridge of Sighs, the Oxford Hall of Cambridge University, the Cambridge University Library and the Cambridge City Hall. This film takes us back to Cambridge in 1963 and immerses us in the beautiful love story of Hawking and Jane. Along the ancient streets of Cambridge, starting from the Bridge of Sighs, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Cambridge University, pass through the Oxford Hall, and finally enter the Cambridge City Hall, experiencing the romantic atmosphere portrayed in the film. These Cambridge landmarks in "The Theory of Everything" are the perfect locations chosen by the director to depict the love story of Hawking and Jane, allowing us to relive this wonderful romance.

Three One Lane

At the beginning of the film, Hawking, who was still healthy, was just a carefree young man walking through the alley.

New courtyard

Hawking invited Jane to be his dance partner and they went to the famous May Ball at Cambridge University together.

Kitchen Bridge

Hawking and his wife chose to have their first kiss on the kitchen bridge southwest of the Bridge of Sighs

Cambridge sigh bridge

After getting the inspiration of the beginning of the universe from the singularity, Hawking shared it with Jane.


Hawking is here paddling on the river with his friends, enjoying the wonderful life

St. John's College

Hawking and Jane ran happily to the riverside of Jianhe