"Intoxicated" in beautiful London

"A Tipsy Journey through London" will take you to explore the historical pubs of London, where you can walk the path of famous writers and artists who found inspiration in the spirits.

The George Inn

George Inn is the only surviving coach inn with a long gallery in London and it is also the oldest pub in London. Famous novelist Charles Dickens often came here to seek artistic inspiration.

The Princess Louise

This is definitely the best-preserved pub in London at present, without a doubt. Its gorgeous Victorian-era interior has weathered the storms of a hundred years, and it still welcomes guests who come and go.
If you want to experience a cocktail with the Oxford gene, you definitely can't miss this bar. It is London's first and only organic-certified bar.

Hedonism Wines

If you have enjoyed your drinks and want to bring some London's fine wines back home, then you should visit Hedonism Wines to experience the wine palace where there are 5500 types of wines and 2000 types of spirits. Customers can sample various wines first with the "automated wine dispenser" in the store, and up to 45 different varieties are available.