Tate Britain, A Haven of Iconic British Art and History

Tate Britain, London SW1P, UK
The museum houses many classic paintings by Turner


The Tate Britain is the earliest gallery of the Tate museums, dedicated to collecting 19th century British paintings and sculptures, as well as works from the National Gallery of England. In addition, it also has a collection of international modern and contemporary art. In 1955, the gallery became independent from the National Gallery and is now one of 19 national museums funded by the UK government. Today, the Tate museums include the Tate Britain and Tate Modern in London, as well as the Tate Liverpool and Tate St. Ives art galleries.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Bus transportation
Tate Britain, London SW1P, UK
Opening hours
Every day from 10.00-18.00.
Victoria Line subway, Pimlico station, walk 10 minutes after exiting.