Cattedrale di Monreale, A Mosaic Masterpiece of Norman Architecture

Monreale Cathedral Piazza Guglielmo II, 1 90046 Monreale PA, Italy
A very beautiful church


Monreale is a small and beautiful mountain town in the province of Sicily, just 10 kilometers away from the center of Palermo. It is a major stronghold of Norman architecture known worldwide and one of the masterpieces of Norman art. The architecture of the churches and Norman monasteries is exquisite, with the Arab-style arcades being particularly breathtaking. Next to the church, there is a high ground facing the sea, offering a picturesque view of the entire city.
Monreale Cathedral Piazza Guglielmo II, 1 90046 Monreale PA, Italy
Opening hours
Monday through Saturday: 08:30-12:45, 14:30-17:00

Sunday: 8:00-10:00, 14:30-17:00.