Recommended must-visit places in Sicily

Sicily, the sunny Sicilian skies, the slightly hot temperature, the ancient churches and colorful buildings, the turquoise sea, and the charming Sicilian people, radiate romance and charm to the extreme. This triangular island of the Mediterranean encompasses seven out of 51 World Heritage sites in Italy. Below is a list of World Heritage sites in Sicily, don't miss out!

Notre-Dame Cathedral, also known as the St. Nicholas Cathedral, was built in 1694 and completed in 1703. The church is designed in Baroque architectural style. It was once destroyed by an earthquake, but it was rebuilt in the 18th century using the same materials and techniques.
The Mount Etna, located in central Sicily, is the highest active volcano in Europe and is often called the "living fossil". It emits thick smoke all year round and sometimes carries lava, which makes the local residents accustomed to such phenomena. Roads and rural roads near the volcano are built with volcanic rocks, which is a result of the locals' full utilization of resources. Mount Etna is a stratovolcano and the highest active volcano in Europe. Due to frequent volcanic activity, its altitude can also rise or fall. In 2013, a large-scale eruption occurred, causing casualties among tourists. In May 2016, only a small amount of lava was emitted. Italian scientists have developed a set of response methods for such frequent volcanic activity. Although they cannot control the eruption of the volcano, they can guide the lava to flow away from cities or villages, thus reducing the risk of casualties and improving safety.
The layout of the museum is very elegant and the corridor design is unique, combining interior glass corridors with outdoor exhibits. It mainly displays artifacts unearthed from the Valley of the Kings.

Olympic City

Syracuse is the hometown of Archimedes located in the southeastern part of the city. The city has a long history and there are many places worth visiting such as the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of Athena, the beautiful Fountain of Arethusa, and the Greek amphitheater ruins. Cicero once described Syracuse as "the greatest and most beautiful city in Greece".

Casal's Roman villa

The Casale Roman Villa is the center of the Roman estate, on which the Western Roman Empire's rural economy relied heavily. Among many similar buildings, Casale's ancient Roman villa is the most luxurious. The inlay craftsmanship and quality of Casale are particularly noteworthy, almost decorating every room with mosaics, making it still a magnificent beauty in the Roman world today.
The Valle dei Templi is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998. It is located on a ridge and houses many Greek-style temple buildings. These temples were first built in the 5th century BC and have existed for over two thousand years, making them one of the most famous ancient Greek architectural groups outside of Italy. The temples stand on lush mountains and overlook the blue sea, with a boundless sky in the distance. The Temple of Concord is the only temple that has remained relatively intact at the site, while the massive Temple of Zeus has become ruins, but it still inspires awe as to its former glory. The ticket office is located next to the Temple of Juno.