List of squares in Italy that you must visit

Italy, the birthplace of the Renaissance, has nurtured a unique and elegant temperament. The square of a city reflects the soul of the city. Below, we will list the squares in Italy that you must visit, taking you to experience the unique charm of Italy.

The Capitoline Square is located on the Capitoline Hill, adjacent to the New Palace, the Victor Emmanuel II Memorial and the Venice Square to the north. The square was first built in the 16th century and the architect Michelangelo was hired by Pope Paul III to design and plan it. Michelangelo proposed building a new palace and creating an unequal quadrilateral. The ground of the square is designed with a radial pattern, integrating with the surrounding buildings and creating geometric beauty. The square has several important buildings and statues, including the Rome City Hall, the bronze statue of the Emperor on Horseback, and the three famous statues of the gods of wisdom, the Tiber River, and the lion-headed man. On the west side of the square is one of Italy's major religious sites, St. Peter's Square.
Piazza Navona is an open square with three famous fountains: the Fountain of Neptune, the Four Rivers Fountain, and the Moor Fountain, all created by master artists. Although not very large, the square is bustling with street artists and acrobats. The surrounding buildings are considered the most beautiful Baroque architecture in Rome.
St. Peter's Square, also known as St. Peter's Plaza, is located in front of the St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. Designed by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini between 1656 and 1667, it is one of the world's most famous squares, measuring 340 meters in length and 240 meters in width. The entire square is surrounded by a row of columns in the shape of a giant ellipse, resembling a keyhole. Every Sunday, believers gather here to listen to the Pope's speeches, while on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, the Pope hosts evening prayers. In the center of the square stands the obelisk, erected in 1586, which was completed with the help of 150 horses and 47 cranes at the time.
Piazzale Michelangelo is a place located on the south end of the city center of Florence. It is often the first stop for many tourists visiting Florence because from this square, one can enjoy a panoramic view of the city and see the symbol of Florence, the David statue.
The Spanish Steps do not have many unique features, it only became a world-renowned tourist spot because Audrey Hepburn ate ice cream on the steps in "Roman Holiday". However, starting from the Condotti Street across the steps, you will find all the top brands and flagship stores you know here. Even the first store of Bvlgari jewelry opened nearby. In addition, the broken boat fountain under the Spanish Steps is designed by Pietro Bernini, and has a very special shape. If you feel tired, you can go to Caffe Greco nearby for a cup of coffee, which is one of the oldest cafes in Rome and attracts many visitors.