Cattedrale di Palermo, A Majestic Blend of Cultures and Styles

Corso Vittorio Emanule
One of the largest churches in Sicily


The cathedral was founded in 1184, and is considered a true architectural masterpiece, combining various styles. Originally a Byzantine Orthodox Church, it was later used as a mosque before the bishop began constructing a Norman-style church on the site. In the 13th century, Gothic-style spires and bell towers were added. In the 15th century, Spanish architectural influences were blended in, and the entrance was moved from the west to the south, becoming the porch with three pointed arches that exists today. It is a perfect representative of the Catalan Gothic architectural style, with a Norman-style semi-circular nave and spacious tombs of the Norman royal family. The underground treasure of the cathedral also displays jewelry that belonged to Queen Constance of Aragon. The Gothic double-layered pointed windows and arches, the Catalan-style porch and pillars, and the geometric patterns of the Muslim-style rear hall are all blended together to form a perfect architectural style.
Corso Vittorio Emanule
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday: 07:00-19:00

Sunday: 08:00-13:00,16:00-19:00
When you come out of the train station, just go straight along Via Maqueda in front of the train station to get there.