Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens, A Gothic Masterpiece of Divine Grandeur

Place Notre Dame


This cathedral, located in France, is one of the representatives of Gothic architectural style, with a total length of about 145 meters and a magnificent appearance. The building has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Built in 1220, the purpose of the cathedral was to house the head of Saint John the Baptist, which is now sealed in gold on the outer wall of the north aisle. The interior of the cathedral is magnificent, spacious and bright, with a unified architectural style. The 17th-century sculpture "Weeping Angel (Ange Pleureur)", beloved by the locals, is located in the aisle behind the 18th-century Baroque-style altar.
Place Notre Dame
Opening hours
From April to June and in September, every Saturday and Sunday from 14:30 to 17:30. In July and August, every day. From October to March, every Wednesday to Monday from 15:45 to 17:00.