Guide to Tax Refunds at the Four Major Department Stores in Paris

When you come to the fashion capital Paris, how can you not take back your "shopping hands"? Exploring Map has prepared a list of the four must-visit shopping centers in Paris for you, along with a tax refund guide, so you can happily go on a shopping spree!


Lord Buddha tax refund points: Tax refund area (located on the ground floor of the main building, near the women's clothing store and Rolex watch); Chinese VIP reception desk (located on the third floor of the women's clothing store, next to the fur brand Yves Salmon); Tax refund center for men's clothing (located at the end of the luxury men's clothing store on the 1st floor).

Printemps Haussmann

The largest tax refund area for department stores is located on the underground floor of the women's clothing section, near the jewelry, perfume, and cosmetics counters. It supports tax refunds through self-service machines and has Chinese instructions and staff. Other tax refund areas are located next to the Chloé counter on the women's clothing section and next to the BVLGARI jewelry counter on the first floor.

Bashway Department Store

The tax refund procedure is very simple. After finishing shopping, you can go to the tax refund counter located between the 0th and 1st floor with your receipt and passport to apply for a tax refund.
The tax refund counter of the Le Printemps department store is located at the end of the children's clothing area on the top floor. Although all procedures are carried out through manual service, there are Chinese receptionists and staff members handling tax refunds here.