Pacchiwakuno Michi, A patchwork of nature's palette

Biei Town, Hokkaido
The scenery of the patchwork road is more fresh and relaxing


"Furano Biei Patchwork Road" is one of the most distinctive landscapes in Biei Town, located near JR Biei Station. From JR Biei Station, follow Route 237 towards the back of the station, and then navigate through the countryside roads according to the signs and maps. The hilly area is adorned with colorful wheat, buckwheat, and potato fields, creating a vibrant patchwork-like scenery. In winter, the entire landscape is covered in snow, with only a few tall trees standing as accents, transforming Biei into a minimalist style. This area is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Biei, where you can enjoy the magnificent nature at Northwest Hill View Park, "Ken & Mary Tree" (featured in Skyline car commercials), and "Seven Star Tree" (featured in Seven Stars cigarette ads). You can rent bicycles or take a sightseeing bus in front of Biei Station to fully immerse yourself in the beautiful rural scenery of Biei. It takes about 3 hours to complete the "Furano Biei Patchwork Road" journey.
Biei Town, Hokkaido
Opening hours
All day (May-October).
Take a JR train to Biei Station, rent a bicycle and ride north along Route 237. After reaching the fork in the road, turn onto the Patchwork Road Scenic Trail. Alternatively, take a JR Sightseeing Bus tour (must be purchased in advance with the Furano Biei Area 4-day Free Ride Pass).