You can also enjoy Michelin food at affordable prices in Kyoto

We often say "you get what you pay for", but it's not the case with these Michelin-starred restaurants in Japan. With very affordable prices, you can also enjoy the most high-end dining experience.


The best soba noodle shop in Kyoto, although it has no obvious signboard, often has long lines before opening for lunch. It often closes for the day at night because the noodles sell out quickly. The soba noodles here are simply exquisite, and so delicious that eating two servings in one sitting isn't enough to satisfy your craving.
This restaurant is a rare three-star Michelin restaurant, with a carefully designed decor and exquisite cuisine. Its every move exudes an air of elegance and nobility, truly impeccable.

Eel house

This restaurant is the highest-rated eel cuisine restaurant in the Kansai area on Tabelog. All the ingredients are supervised by the owner's family during the production process. The sauce recipe used is said to have a history of 170 years. Many tourists come from afar to taste the most authentic eel.
The restaurant is located within the Zhongshan Scenic Area, with beautiful scenery outside the windows. The interior of the restaurant is highly artistic and can only accommodate ten guests at a time, providing a quiet and intimate dining experience. The traditional Kaiseki cuisine offers an authentic taste of Japanese cuisine.