Seven Famous Japanese Hot Pot Dishes You Must Try in Winter

In Japan, there are many Japanese hot pot dishes. Only by trying these ten famous hot pot dishes can you truly satisfy your warm stomach! Have you tried them all?

Sapporo crab master (Sapporo station front head office)

Hokkaido crab hot pot is known for its delicious and reasonably priced meat. Hokkaido is famous for its "crab king" king crabs and small, tender hairy crabs. During the winter season, the crabs are in season and have firm bodies with a rich and flavorful taste.

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Ibaraki's anglerfish hot pot is delicious and nutritious, with a firm and elastic texture. Anglerfish is a deep-sea fish found in the waters near Japan at depths of 100-300 meters. Every part of the fish except for the bones can be consumed, including the head, organs, skin, and ovaries. The flesh is tight and elastic, and rich in collagen.

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Hiroshima's oyster pot has a rich broth that becomes even more delicious as you eat it. Hiroshima produces the largest amount of oysters in Japan, and in addition to various oyster dishes in both Japanese and Western style, the most distinctive local oyster cuisine is the oyster pot.
Fukuoka's charming offal hotpot is a popular specialty of Hakata City. The classic soy sauce flavor is a must-try, with high-quality domestic Japanese beef offal as the main ingredient, giving the dish a smooth and shiny appearance that indicates its freshness.

Kyushu black too drum pool bag

Tofu hotpot, their tofu hotpot can add small sardines to the soup base without any restrictions. Adding a lot of small sardines allows the soup to have a rich sardine flavor and a very soft texture.

づ ぼ ら や fugu restaurant

Osaka's fugu hot pot is so delicious, it's heavenly. Fugu meat is stewed with kelp, vegetables, miso, and other ingredients. When eaten, lift up the thinly transparent fish meat, dip it in vinegar, and enjoy the fresh taste that is almost toothsome.

The male deer is in full bloom

Akita's famous dish is the pike conger hot pot, which is perfect for the winter season. The pike conger, also known as the "county fish" of Akita, is caught by local restaurants from late October to January during the peak season.