Hakodateharisutosusei Church, A Byzantine Gem Amidst Snowy Splendor

3-13 Motomachi, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido


Hakodate Orthodox Church, completed in 1859, is a part of the Russian Consulate at that time. The architectural style clearly reflects Byzantine influences and represents the cultural influence from the northern regions of Russia in addition to the Western influences after Hakodate's port opened. The church features a dome and seven crosses on the rooftop, creating a magnificent sight. Designated as an important cultural property in Japan, Hakodate Orthodox Church bears witness to the history and culture of Hakodate.
3-13 Motomachi, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido
Opening hours
10:00-17:00 (Saturday until 16:00, Sunday opens at 13:00)
Hakodate City Electric Crossroad Station or Machi-Machi Station, get off and walk 10 to 15 minutes.