Chapel on the Water, A Harmonious Blend of Nature and Architecture

Tomamu, Ashoro District, Hokkaido, Japan
There is indeed a fusion of body and mind with nature


The Water Cathedral is located in Hokkaido and was designed by renowned architect Tadao Ando. The theme of the church is "harmony with nature", and the front of the church features a massive 15-meter by 5-meter glass wall. From May to November, the church's large glass panels are fully opened, integrating the church with the surrounding nature. Wedding ceremonies held here give the couples a feeling of being immersed in the spectacular nature of Hokkaido. Surrounding the church are white birch forests, with the lake reflecting the blue sky and clouds of Hokkaido. The gentle breeze brushes against the couple's faces, accompanied by the tranquil sound of the lake and the faint melody of birdsong, creating a truly magical setting of nature's blessings and praise.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Free parking
Tomamu, Ashoro District, Hokkaido, Japan
Opening hours
The Water Church is open for visiting every evening except during maintenance periods in April and November. It is open from 9:00 to 9:30 pm and no reservation is needed.