Fujian Dajin Lake Danxia Landform National Geopark, Explore the Marvels of Waterborne Danxia

Located in Taining County, northwest of Fujian Province, China
The surrounding scenery is nice


Dajin Lake Tourist Area is known for its "hundred miles of lake and mountains, crowned with spirituality". It includes five major scenic areas: Jinhu Lake, Shangqing Creek, Zhuangyuan Rock, Luohanshan Mountain, and Shangshu, with a total area of more than 230 square kilometers. It is home to the main geological landscapes of the Taining World Geopark. Over billions of years, the creativity of nature has carved out spectacular natural wonders such as the waterborne Danxia landform, winding canyons, mountain peaks and stone pillars, and Danxia caves, which are known as the "canyon park" and the "cave museum." In the survey and verification of 63 well-known domestic and foreign geological experts, Dajin Lake's waterborne Danxia landform was evaluated as the most complete, diverse, largest in area, and highest in altitude Danxia landform in the world. In addition to its unique geologic landscapes, Dajin Lake is also known for its rare "cave culture." In history, Dajin Lake had more than 130 temples of various sizes, each built in a peculiar cave. Over 70 of them remain, and the most famous Ganlu Temple is the model of the Nara Todaiji Temple, a world cultural heritage site in Japan. In addition to cave temples, caves of all sizes are closely related to Confucianism. Zhu Xi taught countless students in the Danxia Cave, and the Southern Song Dynasty Champion, Zou Yinglong, and the owner of Shangshu, Li Chunye, also studied literature and poetry in caves, leaving their mark in history.
Located in Taining County, northwest of Fujian Province, China

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