Let's have a picturesque date with Wuyi Mountain

1 cities | 6 attraction(s) | total distance 10 km
Wuyi Mountain is known as the "Green Water and Red Mountains", with its unique and steep peaks, clear and gurgling water, secluded valleys and canyons, and towering ancient trees, creating a breathtaking beauty of "uniqueness, elegance, beauty, and antiquity". The unique Danxia landform here has attracted countless literati and ink artists to leave behind fascinating works from ancient times to the present. Wuyi Mountain also has a rich cultural heritage, with Taoist legends and the hanging coffin culture adding a touch of charm to the mountains and waters here.

Day1: Nanping

5 attraction(s) · 10 km
The climate of Wuyi Mountain is mild and comfortable throughout the year, making it suitable for tourism. However, the period from January to March is relatively dry, with vegetation turning yellow and the landscape becoming bleak; March and April are still the rainy season, which may cause inconvenience for travel. The temperature in July, the hottest month of summer, can sometimes reach 35 degrees Celsius, but this is the time when everything grows the most vigorously, making it suitable for mountain and water sightseeing. September and November have comfortable temperatures and good autumn scenery, making it a suitable time for travel.
3 km
2 km
2 km
4 km

Day2: Nanping

1 attraction(s) · 0 km
Today's main activity is visiting the Tianyou Peak Scenic Area.