Fairy Lake, A Serene Paradise with Lush Islands and Clear Waters

Xian Nu Lake Scenic Area is located 16 kilometers southwest of Yushui District, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province
Beautiful scenery


Fairy Lake Scenic Area is a national key scenic spot located in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, named after the mythology of "Maoyi Goddess" in Gan Bao's book "Sou Shen Ji". The scenic area has a superior geographical location and is located in the center of Jiangxi Province's tourist routes. The scenic area is divided into five parts: Wulong Lake, Zhongshan Gorge, Qianyang Lake, Dagang Mountain, and Jiulong Bay. There are cultural landscapes such as ancient karst caves, ancient buildings, underwater ancient cities, ancient tombs, stone carvings, ancient classics, revolutionary historical sites, and fishing villages. In addition, the scenic area also nurtured the earliest mythological legend of "Tian Xian Pei", the first champion in Jiangxi Province, Lu Zhao, the power minister of the Ming Dynasty, Yan Song, Yang Hui's famous book "Tian Gong Kai Wu", and master painter Fu Baoshi. Fairy Lake has a pleasant climate, distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, and an average annual temperature of about 17℃. It has beautiful scenery, with more than 230 plant families and over 3,000 species, including over 200 precious tree species. The forest coverage rate is over 95%, and the water quality meets the national surface water quality standards. The ecological environment is excellent, with 37 species of mammal animals and 39 species of bird animals. Every morning and evening, tourists can see the beautiful scenery of hundreds of birds flying, which is a paradise where nature and animals coexist in harmony.
Xian Nu Lake Scenic Area is located 16 kilometers southwest of Yushui District, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province
Opening hours
All day (All day) (From January 1st to December 31st, Monday to Sunday)

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