The beauty of Nanchang's history is reflected in these places

In the course of historical changes, Nanchang still preserves its ancient heritage: Tengwang Pavilion, Shengjin Pagoda, Wanshou Palace. These ancient and charming buildings have been protected. Ba Yi Square, Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall, Nanchang Battleship, Niu Hang Station... They are all rooted in Nanchang's culture and demonstrate the city's red spirit in new ways. So, where does the beauty of Nanchang's history manifest?

Tengwang Pavilion is one of the three most famous buildings in Jiangnan, with unique charm. It is not only an ancient Chinese palace architecture, but also an outstanding representative of Chinese architectural art and splendid achievements. The pavilion has been built and rebuilt for more than 1300 years, undergoing many changes. What we see today is its appearance when it was rebuilt at the age of 29. Tengwang Pavilion has three visible floors, three hidden floors, and a top floor, totaling seven floors. It is the tallest among the three famous buildings in Jiangnan. From the southern bank of the Gan River to Tengwang Pavilion, with the northern artificial hill, the eastern pond, and the southern lawn, surrounded by pavilions and buildings, it forms a large-scale garden architecture.
Hero City - Nanchang, with a strong red spirit. In 1927, the first independent military force led by the Communist Party of China was born in the "August 1 Uprising" in Nanchang. It is a famous revolutionary hero city. Therefore, when you come to visit, you may go to the old site of the August 1 Uprising to witness the raised military flag.
Shengjin Pagoda has a history of thousands of years, and it has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, just like Tengwang Pavilion. It looks like it was rebuilt in 2014. It is intricate and has a strong religious flavor. There are bronze bells hanging on the eaves of each floor, and the top of the pagoda is shaped like a gourd. According to legend, before the construction of Shengjin Pagoda, a wandering monk discovered a iron box with a golden rope wrapped around it, three ancient swords, and a golden bottle containing 300 relics, so it was named Shengjin Pagoda.

Nanchang Railway Station

In Nanchang, there is a place perfect for filming nostalgic movies, which is Nanchang Railway Station located in Fenghuangzhou Civic Park. This station used to be the gathering place for the August 1st Nanchang Uprising army - Niu Hang Railway Station. Here, you can recall old Nanchang and witness its rise. A hundred years ago, Niu Hang Station was a bustling and crowded train station, and it was also the first railway station in Nanchang. Niu Hang Station has witnessed countless joys and sorrows, endured the baptism of war, and is now a remaining station that is no longer in operation.
August 1st Square is the central area of Nanchang, with important memorial sites such as the August 1st Uprising Monument, the Military History Corridor, the Jinshui River, the Military History Relief, the Flag-raising Platform, and the Water Curtain Movie. It is also a landmark building in Nanchang. Opposite the square is the magnificent building of the Jiangxi Provincial Exhibition Hall, which is adjacent to a spacious double-sided ten-lane road, showcasing the wisdom and magnanimity of the past rulers.

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