Iolani Palace, Oahu, A Royal Hawaiian Legacy of Elegance and History

364 S King St, Honolulu, HI 96813
The palace is very beautiful


'Iolani Palace is a famous national historical landmark located in downtown Honolulu. It was the royal residence for the Hawaiian monarchy and the home of two kings - King Kalakaua and his successor, Queen Liliuokalani, from 1882 to 1893. This grand mansion was a symbol of the prosperity of the Hawaiian Kingdom, built by the "Merrie Monarch," King David Kalakaua. 'Iolani Palace is an important landmark and cultural heritage site in Hawaii. The palace adopts European architectural styles and is exquisitely designed with elegant furnishings, including beautiful koa wood staircases and exquisite portraits of Hawaiian royalty. It also features Hawaii's first electric lighting system, flushing toilets and indoor telephones, showcasing its importance in technology. The interior furniture is luxurious and magnificent, displaying royal gifts and crafts from around the world. For tourists, 'Iolani Palace is an excellent place to learn about Hawaiian history and culture. It is a witness to the heyday of the Hawaiian monarchy and allows visitors to deeply experience the unique culture and royal atmosphere of Hawaii.
364 S King St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Opening hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 9am-10am Friday and Saturday: 9am-11:15am