Waimea Canyon, A breathtaking panorama of nature's grandeur

Koke'e Road, Waimea, Kauai, HI 96752
Feels like the Grand Canyon


In the western part of the Big Island, there is a place known as the Pacific Grand Canyon - Waimea Canyon. Although it is smaller than the Grand Canyon in Arizona, it is a unique geological wonder in Hawaii. Waimea Canyon is 14 miles long, 1 mile wide, and 3,600 feet deep. Standing on the Waimea Canyon lookout, you can enjoy towering peaks, rugged cliffs, and bottomless canyons, as well as spectacular inland views. You can follow the Waimea Canyon Road to multiple viewpoints to experience the beautiful scenery of the Big Island's interior, or you can continue on to the mountains and eventually reach Koke'e State Park. There are different hiking trails for beginners and experienced hikers to choose from, and no matter what level of hiking enthusiast you are, you will find a route that you enjoy.
Koke'e Road, Waimea, Kauai, HI 96752
Opening hours
24 hours