Uluru, Marvel at the ever-changing colors of nature's wonder

Uluru Climb, Mutitjulu, Northern Territory, Australia
Uluru is a place worth visiting


Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock) is located in the center of Australia, with a height of around 348 meters and a circumference of approximately 9.4 kilometers, two-thirds of which is covered in sand. It has been rated as one of the must-visit destinations in life by media from various countries. The Japanese film "Crying Out Love in the Center of the World" (Sekai no Chushin de, Ai wo Sakebu, 2004) was also filmed here. Uluru's biggest feature is that the rocks change color over time and with different weather conditions, making it known as the "magic stone." Visitors can choose from various methods of sightseeing, including riding camels, motorcycles or helicopters. There are also many hiking trails for those who enjoy walking. Tourists should not take any soil or rocks from Uluru, as it is illegal and disrespectful to the indigenous people. The Uluru Cultural Center exhibits a large number of letters written by remorseful tourists who apologized to Uluru after feeling guilty and facing misfortunes having taken rocks away with them.
Uluru Climb, Mutitjulu, Northern Territory, Australia
Opening hours
Half an hour before sunrise to sunset every day (5:00-21:00 from November to March of the following year
6:30-19:30 from April to October).