Adelaide Museum TOP5

Adelaide is known as the "green city" due to its outstanding conservation measures. To get to know it, start with its museums! There are many museums here that are both informative and interesting. Take this list and start ticking off the attractions in Adelaide right away!

South Australian Museum
The Immigration Museum in Adelaide, Australia, provides insights into the history and development trends of immigration in Australia. The museum showcases the introduction and stories of settlers who have immigrated to South Australia since 1836, as well as dynamic projects. It also displays artifacts from the Adelaide Destitute Asylum, as well as databases of immigration and settlement history.

South Australian Art Museum

The South Australian Art Gallery is an art gallery located in the northern Adelaide Hills and is one of the most important art galleries in South Australia. Visitors who enjoy appreciating art should not miss this museum!
This is the largest railway museum in Australia, with over 100 exhibits. You can climb into the cab of the trains on display and wander through vintage train carriages. Riding the museum's steam train is exciting, and during special events, the museum offers more train models for visitors to choose from. For specific information, visitors can follow the official website for updates.

Children's Museum

In this museum is a collection of magical toys. You can see toys dating back to the 90s and earlier. Teddy bears, dolls, and other exciting and funny toys will be displayed in the museum hall.