Four must-visit places in Darwin

When you visit Darwin, the northern city of Australia, don't miss out on the unique attractions and features of the northern region. Whether it's museums, parks or streets, you can learn about Australian civilization and cultural knowledge. Come and check it out!

Museums and galleries in the North

First-time visitors to the northern region of Australia must come here for sightseeing. The museum exhibits a variety of Aboriginal artworks, the Tracy Cyclone disaster memorial (including the subsequent reconstruction of life), as well as a 5-meter-long crocodile specimen and specimens of flora and fauna grown in the outskirts of Darwin. It is a great place to learn about Australian Aboriginal civilization.

Museums and galleries in the North

The largest art museum in the Northern Territory, which houses a large collection of indigenous artworks, including the essence of Northern Territory's sculpture and painting. The most attractive part of the museum is the lifelike animal specimens, many of which are rare reptiles and birds unique to the Northern Territory. The realistic specimens are truly artistic.

Mary River National Park

Mary River National Park, also known as Mary River Wetlands, is a paradise for bird watching and fishing, offering a variety of activities from wildlife sightseeing cruises to professional fishing tools, guided bird watching tours, independent 4WD and camping adventures. The park features freshwater billabongs, paperbark forests, and seasonal rainforests, where visitors can enjoy wildlife viewing, fishing, jungle trekking, and photography.

Cacolos crocodile Bay theme park

Crocosaurus Cove is an animal theme park where visitors can observe Australia's unique reptiles. From multiple viewpoints on the three-storey building, visitors can admire saltwater crocodiles. The design style of the freshwater aquarium allows visitors to appreciate the vitality and elegance of aquatic life from both above and below.


The Esplanade, just one block away from the bustling Mitchell Street, is a waterfront promenade surrounded by greenery. On both sides of the path, there are lush green grass and tall tropical trees, where you can enjoy the sea breeze under the blue sky and bathe in the sun on the lawn like a local.