Lushan National Key Scenic Spot - Xianren Cave, A celestial retreat brimming with endless charm

The western foot of Tianchi Mountain in Lushan City, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
There are two very clear pools in the cave


Fairy Cave is one of the famous attractions in Lushan, located at the southern end of the Jinxiu Valley, adjacent to the "Buddha Hand Rock". The Fairy Cave is about 10 meters high and 10 meters deep, dark and deep, and the "one drop spring" inside is sweet and delicious. There are also stone inscriptions such as "Dongtian Yuye" on the cave wall. In the central "Chunyang Hall", there is a statue of Lv Dongbin, a legend has it that the sword immortal of the Eight Immortals practiced here to become an immortal. When the clouds and mist are lingering, it is even more fairy-like. During the Qing Dynasty, Buddha Hand Rock became a Taoist cave and was renamed Fairy Cave. Mao Zedong's famous poem "A Fairy Cave is born naturally, and infinite scenery is on steep peaks" has made this attraction famous all over the world. On the left side of Fairy Cave, there is a moon gate built of stone, with the three words "Fairy Cave" carved on the lintel. Inside the moon gate, there is a grotesque-shaped stone that looks like a toad, so it is called "Toad Stone". Next to it is a vigorous pine tree, its roots inserted in the stone, standing straight. The stone is carved with cliff characters such as "Overlooking the Clouds Flying", "Suddenly Enlightened", while the bottom of the stone is a jumble of flying clouds, as if in a fairyland. On the right side of Fairy Cave, there is a viewing platform called Miaoting, where you can see the panoramic view of Jinxiu Valley. Below Miaoting, there is a larger stone than the Toad Stone, called "Youxian Stone". It hangs over a deep abyss and is very steep. On the stone, there is a poem written by Qian Quanzhi from Dongguan in the seventh year of Ming Dynasty Jiajing: "There is no place to visit the immortal residence in the bamboo forest, a hundred feet of red cliff hanging broken stones, the travel is still not removed."
The western foot of Tianchi Mountain in Lushan City, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
Opening hours
24 hours (Monday-Sunday, January 1st-December 31st)
The Xianren Cave is located on the western foot of the Lushan Scenic Area. There are the following ways to arrive at Lushan:

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