Moonstone Site, A Timeless Emblem of Life's Cycle and Purity

Vata Wandana Road, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura District, North Central, 5000, Sri Lanka
Extremely exquisite semi-circular carving


About 200 meters northeast of Ládōnāpralāsa, there is an ancient architectural site that preserves pillars, gates, and a stairway entrance. At the entrance, there is a stone carving of a beautiful moon surrounded by flames symbolizing human desires. Inside the flames, four animals represent different life forces and vitality: elephants represent birth, horses represent aging, lions represent disease, and yaks represent death, symbolizing reincarnation. Inside the circle, there is a heart symbol and a bird carrying a message symbolizing purity, suggesting that humans are living things. In the center, there is a lotus flower representing the heaven world after human death. Surrounded by a peaceful forest with butterflies, this is a great place to take a break and enjoy the cool air while visiting the ancient site. However, it's important to note that this site is not actually Mahasena's palace or queen's palace, which is a common misconception. Also, pay attention to the many small sculptures carved on the exquisite steps.
Vata Wandana Road, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura District, North Central, 5000, Sri Lanka