Holiday Sightseeing Guide | Highlights of Must-Visit Venues in Kuala Lumpur

Museums use a rich and diverse collection of artifacts to exert the influence of a country or region, immersing people's hearts with culture and art. Next, let's take a look at the various venues in Kuala Lumpur, such as museums and art galleries.

National Art Gallery

The National Art Gallery of Malaysia was established in Kuala Lumpur and is an institution under the Ministry of Culture, Arts, and Heritage. It has now become one of the most renowned art galleries in Southeast Asia. Its unique architecture combines traditional Malaysian architectural features with modern elements, making it one of the most contemporary art venues in the area. The collection now exceeds 2,500 pieces, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, watercolors, ceramic artworks, Chinese ink paintings, photography, installations, and prints.

National Planetarium

The National Planetarium is located on a hill in the Lake Gardens of Kuala Lumpur. It features a cinema that screens space programs and movies. The hall permanently exhibits many items related to space science, including the Ariane V rocket booster, which launched Malaysia's first artificial satellite, Measat, into space. On full moon and clear sky days, you can observe celestial activities using the observatory's telescope. The planetarium also includes a space-themed park, which houses replicas of many ancient astronomical instruments.

National Textile Museum

Completed in 1905, the Textile Museum is a lattice building combining red and white bricks with window glass, exuding both luxury and classicism. Originally a railway office building, it now showcases the artistic skills and historical heritage of Malaysia's textile industry. Located at the intersection of SULTAN HISHAMUDDIN Road and PASAR BESAR Lane, it is a short walk from Independence Square. Visitors can observe batik fabric dyeing and traditional fabric weaving techniques. The museum also exhibits historically valuable textiles and the latest design samples.

National Museum

The National Museum of Malaysia is located at the southern entrance of Lake Gardens in the western suburbs of Kuala Lumpur and has been open to the public since 1963. It is a grand classical Malay building, with two walls featuring murals that are 35.1 meters long and 6 meters high, vividly depicting the cultural history of Malaysia. Inside, there is a main hall and four exhibition rooms displaying historical and economic materials, customs, and traditions. Exhibits also include 16th-century Chinese porcelain, Ming porcelain made for Muslims in the 15th century, replicas of documents from the state of Malacca, as well as information on Malaysian shadow puppetry and shadow puppetry from various countries.