Oxford | Must-visit hidden gem boutique collection

Must go! Three stores are less than 100 meters apart, all on a super beautiful small road called Turl Street in the city center. Every time I wander around, my mood gets better.


This ultra-vintage stationery store has all sorts of quirky little gadgets and beautiful greeting cards, notebooks, and wrapping paper! You can buy DIY kaleidoscopes, or even just browse without buying anything. The owner is a very tasteful gentleman with a great sense of style, making your visit enjoyable.

Oxford Wine Company

A must-visit for wine lovers, students can enjoy a 10% discount! You can find wines ranging from ten pounds to several hundred pounds here, and the atmosphere is much more ceremonial than buying wine at Tesco! The staff are enthusiastic and will recommend suitable wines based on your preferences, especially Fenjiu, which will surprise you constantly! Additionally, the canvas bags are great and can serve as the ultimate souvenir! No need to buy the school emblem anymore, come here and get a canvas bag!

Objects of Use

This charming home goods store offers a variety of household items, from pots and pans to brooms and dustpans, and even skincare and haircare products. They also sell a range of cute little brushes that can be used for various household chores. Even more enticing are their colorful enamel pots, which can make your kitchen decor more exquisite and lovely.