Chongqing's surrounding must-visit ancient towns inventory, come and collect them

It is well known that Chongqing is a mountain city. Visitors to Chongqing come to experience the magic of this city. Chongqing not only has many delicious dishes, but also the beauty of ancient towns that make people linger. If you also have a fondness for ancient towns, you can go to these ancient towns to experience the simple years and the tranquil Baju style.

The buildings in Zhongshan Ancient Town are constructed along the water, featuring many stilt-style structures. The entire town is characterized by green-tiled roofs, red-painted wooden planks, and bamboo-woven walls supported by pillars. It is a great place to experience the charm of Bashu culture.
Han tombs, Baisha Film and Television Base, Baisha Ancient Town faces the Yangtze River to the north and leans against the mountains to the south. It retains many traditional residences from the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, as well as some temples and Western-style buildings. The bluestone pavement is winding and intricate, with hidden gems in the deep alleys.
The natural water scenery is serene and far-reaching, with a profound and simple culture. Built during the Western Han Dynasty, the ancient salt and tea road of Sichuan and Guizhou passes through the town. The Taiping Ferry, Pipa Ancient Village, Chastity Archway, rock carvings, and wood carvings are breathtaking; Sichuan opera storytelling, dragon and lion dances, suona calligraphy and painting, and yangge waist drums will make you applaud with joy.
Songgai Ancient Town is a historical and cultural town located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Chongqing. The ancient town is situated along the Yangtze River and within its territory lies Songgang Mountain, named after water. Its unique landscape and town structure form a distinctive living environment characterized by 'a first-class ancient town, ten miles of old streets, a century of vicissitudes, a millennium of cultural heritage, and the vast Yangtze River.'

Gongtan Ancient Town

Located on the east bank of the Wujiang River at the confluence of the Wujiang and Apeng Rivers, Gongtan Ancient Town is a town with a history of over 1700 years. The town is connected by streets paved with green stone slabs, which are as green as jade; the streets are lined with ancient, quaint wooden stilt houses hanging high on the cliffs; the beautiful and legendary Jinxiu Building, Zhinu Building, and Yuanyang Building add a mysterious color to the town; there are also famous attractions such as the Xia Family Courtyard, Dong Family Ancestral Hall, Giant Ladder, Carp Jumping over the Dragon Gate, and Yongding Old House, which are worth visiting. Gongtan Ancient Town is an ideal destination for exploring ancient simplicity and uniqueness.