The best places in New York for selfies

Metropolitan New York, a city that New Yorkers take pride in and people from all over the world long for. There is no shortage of selfie spots that can capture that iconic New York feel. In this article, let's introduce some of the popular selfie spots that most people would love to visit.

Top of the Rock

Compared to the highly enclosed observation deck of the Empire State Building, the observation deck of the Rockefeller Center, with its lower iron railings, clearly allows for a more satisfying selfie and easily captures the Empire State Building in the frame.
Apart from the unbeatable view from the observation deck, the Rockefeller Building itself is very spectacular. Taking a photo of the entire building from the ground floor is a rare angle for a background.
Although taking photos in Times Square is a very unoriginal tourist behavior, selfies with the billboards and skyscrapers in the background are indeed hard to replace with other scenes. Even the crowded people have become a symbol at this moment.
The bustling Grand Central Terminal is another place that embodies the fast pace of New York. With the busy crowd as the backdrop, you, the calm and composed protagonist, take a selfie.
It is not as famous or frequently featured as Times Square, but this building is an authentic New York landmark. Its simple and rustic color scheme offers a unique charm, as if capturing the essence of old New York.

Metropolitan Museum Rooftop

On the rooftop garden of the fifth floor of the Metropolitan Museum, you can find a lush view of Central Park surrounded by a real steel forest.
Whether it's the bridge itself or the Manhattan skyline viewed from the bridge, it makes one genuinely marvel at the beauty of this city and leaves a lasting impression!

Bethesda Fountain in Central Park

Bethesda Fountain is the heart of Central Park and has appeared in many films and TV shows, such as The Avengers and Doctor Who. It is a must-visit spot for fans to take selfies.