Visiting Gui Defu City - Ancient Capital Shangqiu (Part 2)

Also known as the Gui De Fu City, it was built during the Ming Zhengde period and is located in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City. Its city walls, moat, and inner city are well-preserved, making it a rare ancient city in the country. The brick city is rectangular, 1200 meters long from north to south, and 1000 meters long from east to west. There are currently four arch gates and seven horse-faced bridges, as well as four walls, but unfortunately the original four urn cities were not preserved.

Gongyang Gate

The South City Gate, also known as Gongyang Gate, offers a shimmering view of Nanhu Lake from the top of the city tower. You can also see the Zhang Xun Temple, Baguan Zhai, and Yingtian Academy in the distance.

Nanhu Scenic Area

Nanhu, covering 3000 acres, surrounds the ancient city of Shangqiu. The lake's light and the ancient city complement each other, shining together under the vast sky.
Zhang Xun Temple is located outside the south gate of the ancient city of Shangqiu. It was built to commemorate Zhang Xun, Xu Yuan, and others who sacrificed their lives defending Suiyang during the An Lushan Rebellion. Within the park lies the tomb of Zhang Xun, who died defending Suiyang during the Tang Dynasty's An Lushan Rebellion.
Baguan Zhai is located on the south side of Zhang Xun Temple. It is an ancient-style garden courtyard with a main hall and an octagonal pavilion. The main attraction in the scenic area is an octagonal stone pillar engraved with the authentic calligraphy of Yan Zhenqing, 'Tang Songzhou Baguan Zhai Hui Bao De Ji'.
Located by the South Lake of the ancient city of Shangqiu, 600 meters east of Baguan Zhai. Yingtian Academy is one of the four great academies of ancient China, having the greatest influence during the Northern Song Dynasty. It is the most influential among the four great academies of China. The current scenic area consists of modern imitation ancient buildings reconstructed on the original site. Several large hall buildings stand abruptly within the courtyard walls, and inside the main hall, there are only some text display boards.

Suiren Emperor Mausoleum Scenic Area

Located to the west of the Shang Ancestor Temple. The Suiren Mausoleum is the tomb of Suiren, who is considered the first of the Three Sovereigns in ancient Chinese mythology. Suiren is credited with discovering fire by drilling wood, marking the beginning of a new era in human civilization. The current mausoleum covers an area of approximately 440 acres, with the tomb itself occupying about 40,000 square meters.