Eight recommended scenic spots in Jilin City for observing rime ice

The rime scenery in Jilin is known as one of the "Four Wonders of China". It attracts numerous photography enthusiasts from December to February each year. The beauty of rime in the morning is fleeting, like fallen flowers under the warm sun. Here are a few rime viewing spots to share, hoping that everyone can appreciate the most beautiful rime wonders.

Songjiang Road: Urban Rime Viewing Belt

In the city, the Songhua River meanders through. Due to differences in wind direction and riverbank orientation, the time and location of rime formation vary. Walking along the river in the morning, accompanied by river fog, one feels like being in a fairyland within the city.

Ashha: Dajiao Wild Frost Viewing Belt

The frequency of frost occurrence here is very high. Following the river upstream, the transportation is relatively convenient, and the road extends to form a corridor. Under the sunlight, with blue skies, sunshine, and frost, it presents a magical world of ice and snow.

Beidahu: Mountain Forest Rime Viewing Area

The ski resort is adjacent to the urban area. On the alpine cableway of Beidahu Ski Resort, you can enjoy the beautiful snow scenery. Uniquely, you can ski surrounded by rime or watch the rime first and then ski.

Hongshi Lake: Water Mist Rime Viewing Belt

The Baishan Power Plant upstream of Hongshi Lake has abundant hydropower resources and can continue to generate electricity throughout the winter, so the winter water temperature of Hongshi Lake generally remains at 2~3°C. Under low temperature conditions, the mist condenses in the primitive forests on both sides, forming a 38-kilometer-long rime spectacle, creating the natural rime viewing belt of Hongshi Lake.

Baishan Lake: Rime Viewing Belt

In winter, the warm air from the lake rises, creating crystal-clear and picturesque tree hangings. These, combined with the surrounding mountains by the lake, form a serene and pristine rime landscape.

Jiangbin Park: City Rime Viewing Area

In the winter, Jiangbin Park's trees are covered in thick rime. Willows, pines, and the grass along the road are all wrapped in fluffy rime, creating a pristine, fairy-tale world as far as the eye can see.