The ignored food capital of Zhengzhou Zhongyuan is the time to go and take a look

Speaking of Zhengzhou, the first thing that comes to mind is Li Zhi's "Memories of Zhengzhou". I haven't thought of anything else. When it comes to so many tourist cities in China, Zhengzhou may not appear in the minds of most people as a "traveler's home". However, with the guidance of local friends, I spent a weekend in Zhengzhou and it is really a paradise for food!

Fang Zhongshan Spicy Soup

This place offers the spicy soup recommended by 'A Bite of China 3'. It's no exaggeration to say that the queue can last until noon every day. If you want to have a bowl of hot spicy soup before 9 o'clock, you have to get up at 6 o'clock to queue. First, you need to buy a meal ticket on the first floor, and then queue at each window to collect your food after purchasing the ticket. Therefore, don't come alone; it's impossible to try everything without multiple hands.

Gao Laoda Beef Steak Spicy Soup

Compared to Fang Zhongshan, Gao Laoda's soup is darker brown. It is also similar to the wine I drank when I lived in Xi'an. Of course, their specialty is beef steak spicy soup, 10 yuan a bowl. Yes, you heard it right. This is beef steak. There is a large piece of beef steak in the spicy soup. Ten yuan, can you believe it?

Yang Fenghua Spicy Soup

No. 333, Yufeng Road, Jinshui District. Yang Fenghua Spicy Soup is one of the four major families of Xihua Xiaoyao Town Spicy Soup. That's right, Spicy Soup in Henan has families and schools.

Xiao Ji San Xian Hui Mian Gourmet City

It is also one of the top Hui Mian (noodle soup) restaurants in Zhengzhou. Like the choir, it is an old brand. Especially after the World Expo, its fame soared.

Xinyi Feng Hui Mian

This restaurant is right next to the Medical College subway station, making it very convenient to get to. You can see the store's sign right after crossing the intersection. The lamb hui mian has a milky white broth, which looks very appetizing. The side dishes include lamb, vermicelli, and cilantro.

Zhou Ji Specialty Lamb Offal Soup

An old shop that has been open for more than 20 years, but still remains inconspicuous. A few days ago, it was particularly cold, yet many locals were still sitting outside eating. The reason for the crowd is, of course, because it's cheap. Diners sitting at the tables said that the prices have hardly increased over the years.

Xu Ji Barbecue

The shop is very small and inconspicuous, but everyone who has been there gives it five stars. This is a food stall that specializes in grilled lamb ribs and lamb rib hot pot. The lamb rib hot pot is stewed with well-seasoned and tender radishes, making it very nourishing.