These boutique hotels have contracted the night view of Lugu Lake

After nightfall, the lake surface reflects the dazzling starry sky, blending with the sky. The beauty of Luguhu Lake at this moment can only be preserved by a beautiful dream throughout the night.

Lugu Lake Zizai. Lover's Tree Wild Luxury Inn

The inn is located in Nisai Village, Lugu Lake, directly facing the famous Lover's Tree of Lugu Lake, with beautiful and romantic scenery. The independent small balcony of the inn's rooms overlooks the Lover's Tree and Bird Island, full of poetic charm. The inn is about a 3-minute walk from the lively bonfire party venue.

Lugu Lake Xiaoya Luming Boutique Resort Inn

Lugu Lake Xiaoya Luming Boutique Resort Inn is located in Langfang, which is almost the last lakeside village around Lugu Lake to be developed. Many inns are newly opened, making it quieter, more suitable for relaxation, and more sophisticated.

Lugu Lake Lige Peninsula Qianwang Xiaozhu

Lugu Lake Lige Peninsula Qianwang Xiaozhu is located on Lige Island. Lige has a unique geographical location, attracting many self-guided travelers. In recent years, many new inns and shops have been built here. Lige was developed relatively late, so most of the buildings are newly constructed wooden structures with more modern decorations. Generally, there are several lake-view rooms on the upper floors.

Lugu Lake Zizai Jialan Luxury Boutique Resort Inn

Lugu Lake Zizai Jialan Luxury Boutique Resort Inn is located in Langfang, which is almost the last lakeside village around Lugu Lake to be developed. Many inns are newly opened, making it quieter, more suitable for relaxation, and more chic.

Lugu Lake Tinghua Hall Seaview Garden Inn

Lugu Lake Tinghua Hall Seaview Garden Inn is located in the Dazhu-Dazui Lovers' Beach Scenic Area. There are several inns right by the lake, allowing for an intimate experience with the lake water. This boutique hotel is beginning to stand out with its unique charm and personality.

Lugu Lake Daughter Park (Oak Tree Chain Inn)

Lugu Lake Daughter Park (Oak Tree Chain Inn) is located in Daluoshui. Daluoshui is the earliest developed village with strong reception capacity, fierce competition, more reasonable prices, convenient transportation, and complete tourism service facilities. However, there are also many tour groups, making it a bit noisy.

Yanyuan Lugu Lake Starry Inn

Yanyuan Lugu Lake Starry Inn is located in the Dazhu-Dazui Lover's Beach Scenic Area. There are several inns right by the lake, allowing for an intimate experience with the lake water. The distinctive boutique hotels are beginning to emerge, featuring unique and charming atmospheres.

Lugu Lake Lu Wang Da Scenic Inn

Lugu Lake Lu Wang Da Scenic Inn is located in the Dazhu-Dazui Lover's Beach Scenic Area. There are several inns right by the lake, allowing for an intimate interaction with the lake water. The distinctive boutique hotels are beginning to emerge, offering a unique and charming atmosphere.