Shangri-La Eastern Ring Road

This classic loop is not only a stroke drawn by nature, but also a must-visit place for taking photos. You can't miss any point along the way! Keep up the pace and let's start the journey.

Being here feels like being in a fairy tale. However, many Chinese tourists do not know that in Shangri-La, there is a place called Baishuitai that has scenery similar to Turkey's Pamukkale. The Baishuitai Scenic Area on the eastern ring road of Shangri-La covers about 3 square kilometers and consists of over ten interconnected spring pools forming a white 'Jade Pool'. The scenery here is picturesque, with the spring terraces resembling layers of new moons, or like the silver ornaments of Naxi maidens, forming countless silver rings. The morning and evening light scatters silver rays, giving a refreshing feeling akin to gold and jade. It is also the birthplace of the Naxi Dongba religion, the center of religious activities, and ethnic festivals. This place has become a must-visit spot for popular travel photography, short videos on platforms like TikTok, and is a rare gem not only in China but also in the world.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge is a world-renowned hiking destination and currently one of the most popular attractions in Lijiang and Shangri-La. The main peak of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain on the south bank has an altitude of 5,596 meters, while Haba Snow Mountain on the north bank has an altitude of 5,396 meters. The width of the river in the middle of the gorge is only 30-60 meters. Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge is famous for the Tiger Leaping Stone in the middle of the river and its legend. During the dry season in spring, most of the giant stone is exposed above the emerald green river, making it very striking. This giant stone lies horizontally in the middle of the river, splitting the Jinsha River into two, with thunderous waves. According to legend, a fierce tiger once used this giant stone in the middle of the river to leap from one side of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to Haba Snow Mountain, hence the name Tiger Leaping Stone, and the gorge was named Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Sanba Township

Sanba Naxi Ethnic Township is named after the three uneven areas of Dongba, Baidi, and Haba. It is the only ethnic township in the entire Shangri-La region that is predominantly Naxi.

Haba Snow Mountain

The trekking and mountaineering activities of Haba Snow Mountain start from this place. Reaching the summit of Haba Snow Mountain is a highly professional outdoor project. Its main peak is 5396 meters above sea level, attracting countless mountaineering enthusiasts from both China and abroad. However, Haba is not a snow mountain that only professional mountaineers can climb. With normal physical strength, it is entirely possible to achieve an oxygen-free ascent. It is considered an entry-level snow mountain for summiting. As long as one is well-equipped and well-prepared, any healthy person can reach the summit.