Huayna Picchu/Wayna Picchu, Breathtaking views from the young peak

Carretera Hiram Bingham, Machupicchu, Urubamba, Cusco, Peru


In the postcard photo of Machu Picchu, there is a towering peak behind the city ruins, known as Huayna Picchu. Despite its steep appearance, climbing Huayna Picchu is not a straight ascent or descent. If you are not afraid of heights or love hiking, climbing to the top of Huayna Picchu to overlook the magnificent view of Machu Picchu is an unforgettable experience. The Peruvian government allows only 400 tourists to climb Huayna Picchu each day, with two releases at 7am and 10am, with 200 people each time. Tickets must be booked in advance. At the northernmost point of Machu Picchu, there is a checkpoint that requires a second check of tickets and passports. The climb to Huayna Picchu takes about 45 minutes, or only 25 minutes if you are in good physical condition. Along the way, you can also enjoy beautiful scenery. As you approach the summit, the stairs become narrower and steeper, and you need to pass through a small cave. Other sections are relatively flat. It is important to note that because most of the pavement is made of stone, the road can be very slippery on rainy days, so Huayna Picchu will be closed when the weather is bad. If time permits, on the way down from Huayna Picchu, you can visit the Temple of the Moon, which is located inside a natural cave. The Inca people intentionally built the front of the temple facing the Pleiades to show their respect. This is also the best place to discover Machu Picchu's best stone carvings. Some ancient human remains were found here, and it is believed that this place was once used as a permanent burial place for mummies.
Carretera Hiram Bingham, Machupicchu, Urubamba, Cusco, Peru
Opening hours
Open 2 entry time slots every day, from 7:00-8:00 and 10:00-11:00 respectively.