Intihuatana, A Mystical Stone Harnessing Solar Secrets
Carretera Hiram Bingham, Machupicchu, Urubamba, Cusco, Peru
One of the biggest mysteries inside Machu Picchu is a large stone carving called the Intihuatana Stone. Astronomical archaeologists speculate that this four-sided rectangular stone on a raised platform in the plaza could be a sundial or used for some form of astronomical observation. Although its purpose is debated, almost all archaeologists consider the Intihuatana Stone one of the most sacred buildings in Machu Picchu. This is because the stone contains the most sacred elements of Inca architecture: the foundation represents Mother Earth and the intricate Inca-style sculpture. Its seemingly strange design indicates that it is the result of careful planning.
How to identify the Intihuatana Stone? If you see a group of tourists gathered around a large stone, listening to the guide and trying to feel the released energy, uttering exclamations like "Wow, I feel it!", then this is the Intihuatana Stone. How magical is this stone really? Whether people really feel a certain kind of energy depends on their beliefs, so it's best to experience it personally. Address Carretera Hiram Bingham, Machupicchu, Urubamba, Cusco, Peru