Lake Pearson, A Serene Lakeside, Mirroring the Sky and Mountains

West Coast Road, Selwyn District, Canterbury, New Zealand
The lake water is clear


On the side of Highway 73, you can enjoy magnificent scenery - Snowy Mountain Lake. The lake lies quietly at the foot of the snowy mountains, changing colors like pure and clear as the blue sky. The air here is very fresh, and the environment is very peaceful. In the summer, you can relax by the lake and feel the beauty of nature. In the autumn, the leaves around the lake turn golden, red, or orange, making people amazed. Whenever you come, Snowy Mountain Lake can always bring people infinite good feelings and memories.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


Free parking
West Coast Road, Selwyn District, Canterbury, New Zealand
Opening hours
24 hours a day
State Highway 73 goes from Christchurch to the west coast, about a 20-minute drive past Castle Hill. There is a small parking area by the lake, and from there you can turn right and enter a small park 400 meters ahead.