Sea World, Dazzling marine spectacles and thrilling rides

Sea World Drive, The Spit, Main Beach, Australia
Dolphin shows and animal feeding are both very interesting


Compared to Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World is much larger and located on the coast. The park incorporates natural seawater flow, and visitors can witness amazing performances from the local dolphins and seals, as well as enjoy a variety of shows and rides. Additionally, the park offers interesting activities such as underwater interaction with dolphins and a helicopter tour of the Gold Coast, but these require an extra fee. If you want to enter the water park into the deepest part of the park, you only need to pay an additional 5 Australian dollars (visitors with annual tickets or VIP cards can enter for free). To fully experience Sea World, it is recommended to plan your trip in advance. You can download maps and show schedules from the official website to better understand the park's environment and entertainment options. Remember to bring your swimsuit before heading to the water park to ensure maximum enjoyment.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going
Not worth it


There is a parking lot
Free parking
Expensive parking fees
Sea World Drive, The Spit, Main Beach, Australia
Opening hours
Park hours are 9:30-17:00
amusement facilities are open from 10:00-17:00
closed on Christmas and ANZAC Day.
The round-trip ticket for riding the Gold Coast tourist bus to and from Sea World is AUD 15 for adults and AUD 8 for children aged 4-13.