Old Fort Niagara, A serene fortress embraced by Lake Ontario

4 Scott Ave, Youngstown, New York
It used to be a fortress at the mouth of the Niagara River


Fort Niagara was built in 1726 and has a history of over 300 years. It sits at the mouth of the Niagara River and holds a key position in the access to the Great Lakes and the western interior. At that time, the French established fortifications here to resist attacks from the Native Americans. Later, the British took advantage of the French and Indian War and captured the fort within 19 days. It was not until after the American independence in 1796 that the fort was returned. In 1813, the fort was captured again and did not truly belong to the United States until after the War of 1812. If you are interested in history or this type of attraction, it would be a great travel choice.
4 Scott Ave, Youngstown, New York
Opening hours
From January to June, 9:00-17:00
from July to August, 9:00-19:00
from September to December, 9:00-17:00.
Tickets stop selling 30 minutes before closing.