Library of Congress, A Monument to Knowledge and Beauty

Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Building, Independence Avenue Southeast, Monumental Core, Capitol Hill, Washington, District of Columbia, 20003, United States of America
Exquisite decoration on the wall


The Library of Congress is one of the four official national libraries in the United States, with a vast collection of 30 million books and 58 million manuscripts. The collection covers 470 languages ​​worldwide, including some rare treasures such as the Gutenberg Bible. It also has over one million U.S. government publications, one million newspapers from around the world, 33,000 bound volumes of periodicals, 500,000 microfilm reels, and 6,000 comic books. The Library of Congress has the largest collection of legal documents, films, 4.8 million maps, 2.7 million musical scores, and other valuable materials worldwide. The Library of Congress consists of three buildings: the Thomas Jefferson Building, the John Adams Building, and the James Madison Building, located to the east and south of the Capitol Building, and are within walking distance.
Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Building, Independence Avenue Southeast, Monumental Core, Capitol Hill, Washington, District of Columbia, 20003, United States of America
Opening hours
Thomas Jefferson Building
Monday-Saturday 8:30-16:30